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  • Writer's pictureAlex - Sway AF

First Annual Showcase Announcement - A Night At The Movies

You may have heard it at the studio already, but we are so excited to announce that Sway Aerial Fitness will be holding our first annual showcase, A Night at the Movies, on the evening of November 5th! We're showing off everything we've been working on this year, and everyone at every level is invited to participate!

Important Dates

We're putting this out there right now so there is PLENTY of time to work on your routines and perfect the skills you want to show off. The dates to keep in mind are:

  • September 16th: official commitment date. We need to know by Friday, September 16th that you'll for sure be participating. That way we can work on organizing the order of performances for the evening and make sure everything will run smoothly.

  • November 4th: dress rehersal. Self explanatory - we want to make sure that everyone knows exactly how it's going to go, so we're going to have a dress rehersal on the Friday evening before the showcase.

  • November 5th: SHOWCASE! YAY!

Other Things to Know

We know that performances can be nervewracking, but you're not on your own! Here are some answers to questions you might have.

  • ALL LEVELS ARE WELCOME! This showcase isn't just for people who have been practicing for years. Everyone has been working so hard on learning new skills and absolutely deserves to show them off! If you're worried you don't know enough moves - I promise you do! Just reach out to Alex or one of the other instructors and we'll help you put something together. If you're nervous about doing a solo - sign up for a group number so you can be a part of a team. Either way - we want you to feel like a rockstar and we're going to do everything we can to make that happen!

  • All the group numbers will be choreographed by an instructor, so all you need to do is show up to the practices ready to go 😊

  • You'll have lots of support along the way. Starting the week of September 19th, there will be additional weekly practices for the group numbers and for the solos/duos.

  • If you're choreographing your own solo/duo, there'll be an instructor at every practice to help you if you have any questions. There's also plenty of open studio time for you to come in and practice on your own, outside of the showcase specific practice times.

  • Group practice times will be determined by the group after the committment date to ensure everyone will be able to make it.

  • There's no additional cost to participate in the showcase! You can use your class pass or membership to attend the extra practices the same way you'd sign up for any other class.

  • The showcase will be recorded so you can use the professional video wherever you'd like! If you'd prefer to have your recording kept private, that's an option too!

  • Friends and family are invited to come watch! We'll ask them to prepurchase tickets so we have enough seats in the studio for everyone. More info on that closer to the date.

  • Any other questions - feel free to ask any of the instructors at the studio, or reach out to Alex by phone or text at (403) 880-8552

Thinking About It?

If you're thinking about participating in the showcase, fill out the form below to lock in your song. We aren't asking for a commitment yet so if something comes up, no worries! We'd just like to have an idea of who's interested.

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